Audio Visual Specialist Recruitment Consultants
The AV Job Board only works with recruitment consultants that specialise in the Audio Visual Industry. Their knowledge and experience ensure that only candidates with the requisite skill set and experience are put forward.
For candidates, the specialist AV recruitment consultants take time to understand the roles that are available and are to help you match your skills. In such a fast moving industry, they are also able to see where your transferable skills can be vital, often with a different job title.
Highly Specialist Recruitment Service for Audio Visual Manufacturers, Distributors and Resellers.
Working With Clients
- Our professional industry trained team, provide quality and experienced staff at all levels – from board members through management, field service and sales, as well as on site technical and sales people.
- We focus on our clients requirements rather than just trying to place available candidates.
- Providing the right candidates, – readily available and highly motivated.
Working With Candidates
- We work closely with our candidates to understand their skills, experience and requirements.
- We are specialists in permanent positions
- Honest, straightforward advice, If we can’t help – we will tell you. If we can help, we will agree a plan to get you into the “perfect” job as soon as we can.

The Leading Supplier of AV Recruitment Services
Our Audio-Visual services support permanent Recruitment, Freelance deployment, and event Production. Based in Soho, London, we provide AV solutions throughout the UK and Europe.

Supplying elite-level talent to the booming audio-visual industry.
The #1 person for the job.
Based in Hampshire on the UK’s glorious South Coast, Rafferty Resourcing has been disrupting the world of recruitment since 2015.
Beyond traditional goals and outcomes, our three pillars of success come down to a splash of colour, a drizzle of vibrancy, and an overspill of honesty.
We believe in packing a bit of punch in everything we do, only ever recommending talent when it feels 100% right for both parties. To ensure this, the Rafferty Resourcing guarantee is to always offer the full picture to clients – the good, the bad, and our own professional recommendations.
Our team has specialised in audio visual recruitment since 2015, picking up an award or two (or 7!) along the way. This industry exposure allows us to precisely understand what employers are looking for – whether it be design experts, pre-sale professionals, lead engineers, or talented programmers. We’ve got your back in the recruitment game.
Rafferty Resourcing offers an honest, 100% tailored approach to each of our clients. From snazzy job descriptions to new ways of sourcing talent, fascinating assessments, to engaging interviews, we’ve got you and your business covered every step of the way.
No role is ever ‘too niche’.

Contact Details
Building 3, 111 Concorde Rd, Maidenhead, SL6 4BY
Tel: 0345 505 0405
e-mail: careermoves@woopjobs.co.uk
Freelance Recruitment Specialists
Audio Visual Freelancers
Our skilled AV freelance professionals provide support for live events, short-term assignments, and long-term deployment, managed by our Operations team.
Join our freelance team for exceptional AV assignments and competitive pay rates with 7 day payment terms. Our user-friendly online portal allows you to update your availability, view bookings, and submit timesheets.